The refurbishment of this two story maisonette over ground and lower ground floors of a six storey Grade II* listed terrace on Eaton Square required removal of the majority of the load bearing walls. The scheme introduced a new transfer slab, supported on RC columns which in turn are supported on a piled raft with 47 CFA piles.
Client: Private
Architects: Eric Parry Architects
Project Value: Undisclosed

To complete the proposed works with the absolute minimum of disruption to the residents above, a 2-stage jacking process was adopted to transfer the weight of the building above from the existing walls onto temporary works and then from temporary works to the new RC structure without large elastic deflections or foundation settlements characteristic of this type of work. Deflections during jacking operations were monitored in real time using a hydrostatic system accurate to +/- 0.01mm. MHA negotiated with the Grosvenor Estate to seek approval for the works and acted as Contract Administrator for the structural works. The project also featured an elegant steel and terrazzo stair.